Goodwood Standard Smooth
European Dachshunds
standard smooth dachshund puppies for sale, standard smooth dachshund breeder

Weekly Puppy Development  Tristan / Ivan litter, born Aug 24, 2011

Week 3

standard smooth dachshund puppies

We were moved to the other end of the maternity ward.
Since we can now see, we have no blankies around our crate.
We are really starting to move around!


standard smooth dachshund puppies

Yellow plays Godzilla and marches over Bark.
Yellow used to be the biggest one, but Bark and Carrot have overtaken him.

standard smooth dachshund puppies

Like little Zombies, they march inexorably forward!


Eyes!  Ears!

standard smooth dachshund puppies

Green leads the way by opening his eyes on Sept. 7th.
All the pups have open eyes now.


standard smooth dachshund puppies

I found some soft plush toys at the $1 store.
The puppies completely ignored them.
Gilly gutted one in record time.
They are now living in a bag until the pups are a little older.


standard smooth dachshund puppies

Slum-ber Lords


standard smooth dachshund puppies        standard smooth dachshund puppies

What is wrong with this picture????
(Wrong Mommy!)
The two girls can't keep away from each other's litters.
They don't like the other going near their litters, so I have to be sneaky about this.


standard smooth dachshund puppies

The 2 mommies get some snuggle time with Yours Truly.


standard smooth dachshund puppies

Tristan makes sure I do a good job on the nails.
I am a bit obsessive about nails on my dogs.
As my owners will tell you!!!  Right, guys? 


standard smooth puppy getting wormed

This is the pups' first worming.
They get wormed at weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 with Nemex.
We worm the mother before breeding and after whelping
to reduce the worm load.  Even though the bitch has no worms in her intestines
she can pass them to her puppies through the milk or in utero.
I worm my adults 4 times a year for hooks, rounds and tapeworm
whether they need it or not.  It's just a good practice.


For further information please contact me.


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