Goodwood Standard Smooth
European Dachshunds
standard smooth dachshund puppies for sale

Weekly Puppy Development  Tristan / Ivan litter, dob Aug 24, 2011

The puppies are, of course, a never ending source of great pics...

The ambient temperature in the whelping box has to be 85 degrees for the first 2 weeks.
Tristan pants because a) her milk is coming down and b) she's hot!


Their luxurious "digs."
Whelping box, surrounded by ex pens, covered with a blanket
and surrounded by sheets.  Complete privacy and so chic! 
Like Lorraine K says, all our dog blankets look like they s/b in the MOMA.  Ha ha!


Puppies behind bars...
Safer when you own more than one dog.
The others are not allowed in the room. 
They SO do not "get it" and are despondent.
Look closely to the right and you can see that Yellow has ditched his collar!


Nicole comes over to see the pups.
Tristan was not in favor of this at all.
But, it's early days and to be expected.


Tilly toils not, but would rather nap the afternoon away.



For further information please contact me.


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