Goodwood Standard Smooth Dachshunds

standard smooth dachshund puppies for sale, standard smooth dachshund breeder

2011's Breedings:

Villae Alistes Ramos Busch x FC Easy de la Chapellerie SE

Gilly / Ramos puppies goodbye!!!
They are starting to leave for their new homes.


Red is now living in Eugene, OR
His new name is Sigmund, Der Gut Rot Baron von Goodwood
He's going to be a sporting dog and shown too!


Here is Sigmund at "work" with Abby.  Snoozing on the job???


Blue is in TX and is a blood tracking boy.
His name is now Archie.  He has his very own girl.
His nose is beyond belief at 8 weeks.


Pink is now Fifa and lives in Utah and is training to retrieve chukkar. 
She has a very nice family and a dad who is a cop.
She'd better toe the line!


Black is now Kelsey and lives in the Bluegrass state of KY.
She lives with her sister Bailee, ex Green of the Cleo litter.
Goodwood's Good Lady of the Bluegrass (NICE!)



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