Goodwood House Oregon
standard smooth dachshunds
European Standard Smooth Dachshunds

Gilly / Ivan litter birth, night of August 24/25, 2012

at 11 PM, Gilly gives us the heads up...  it's going to be soon.


Finally!  The first one is out!

August 24th, 2012
Male, 11.25 oz, 11:46PM, breech (Blue)


Lucky me to have 2 vet techs on house call!
Nicole on the left and Angie on the right.


Nicole snaps a picture, Angie rubs Gilly's ear, and Mr. Blue dines!
Gilly is an outstanding whelper.  No muss, no fuss.


Gilly watches while Mr. Blue gets first dibs...

One and a half hours later, Gilly pushes out an enormous girl...

August 25th, 2012
Female, 13 oz, 1:12 AM, breech (Yellow)


Blue and Yellow get to know mommy.


Miss Yellow climbs up Mt. Gilly.


Not long after Miss Yellow arrives, Miss Pink is on the scene.
Female, 10.75 oz, 1:28 AM, (Pink)

The girls enjoy being with Mommy.


Dan comes down to partake of the excitement.

Green arrives on the scene...

Male, 10.75 oz, 2:05 AM, (Green)


Lastly, Mr. Brown arrives, with his umbilical cord around his face...

Male, 10.75oz, 3:40 AM, (Brown)

Angie puts Mr. Brown on the nipple.
All the pups suck beautifully.  No worries there.


Gilly goes outside for a quick pee
and comes back to a clean whelping box and
a nice cool drink of water.

Good job Gilly Gilly!
All 5 pups are perfect!  Whew!  Love it when a plan comes together.


All the pups are warm and safe with their mommy in the Kasbah.
Good Job Gilly and Ivan!

Lots of pics are up on Facebook at Fans of Standard Smooth Dachshunds!

Thanks to Nicole Cooper and Angie Piatek for being there for Gilly.


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