Goodwood House

Qua-Linea Genlis, JA (Jugend Championat)
(Breeder Sian Kwa True-Teckels and Qua-Linea Dachshunds)

A is for Atopic

My fabulous veterinary dermatologist Dr. Terese DeManuelle
did the workup on Miss Genny.  As we suspected, she is severely allergic to the entire Pacific Northwest!

Here is a picture of her skin test:

Each one of the little bumps is a positive reaction to an allergen.


Here is what she is allergic to:

4 is the highest rating.

On an itching scale, of 0 to 10 in even numbers, Genny was an 8
10 is self mutilation.  Not fun for poor Miss Genny.

So, Genny was immediately put on meds which would soothe her skin, bring
relief to her chronically infected ears, and help the poor dog become less frantically itchy.

Never having had a dog that needed this level of care, I was shocked to learn of the price involved,
not only financial but in time and emotion.
This was a slavery of devotion, but it did work.
Genny became calmer and more focused.
She was able to listen and learn 100% better.
No more constant paw licking, ear shaking, and chronic staph infections, not to
mention the incredible destructiveness that is common to atopic dogs.

But, this was early in the allergy season here in the Pac NW.
June proved too much for Genny.  I ran her twice in the fields in 3 days,
and she broke out in hives all over her body, had white pustules on her inner thighs, and
large staph lesions on her belly.  It was overnight and it was severe.

See what they did for her here.


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