Goodwood Standard Smoothes
2023 Competitors


Earthdog, Action Acres, 6/10,11
Moritz JE title!

Field Trials, Castle Rock, WA 5/20
Spot: Absolute
Audrey: 4/6

Field Trials, Castle Rock, WA 4/22

Winston 2/6 OAAD

Tizzy 1/7 OAAB
Audrey 3/7 OAAB
Rance 1/6 FCC / Absolute


Field Trials, Castle Rock, WA 4/23

Winston 1/11 OC


Field Trials, Castle Rock, WA 4/16 

Zbigniew 2/7 FCC
Stella NBQ/7 FCC

Winston 2/10 OC
Tizzy 3/10 OC

Audrey NBQ/10



Field Trials, Castle Rock, WA 4/15

Audrey 2/10 OAAB
Tizzy 3/10 OAAB

Zbigniew 2/7 FC

Winston 4/6 OAAD


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